Posted at: 18.05.2024
# 1
Cruise Through Slovenia: Navigating Speed Limits

Hitting the road in Slovenia?  Cruising the scenic landscapes is a dream, but mastering the speed limits is key to a smooth journey.

Unlike navigating a maze, there's no getting lost here. This guide unravels everything you need to know about speeding through Slovenia (figuratively, of course!).

So, buckle up and discover the exact speed limits for towns, motorways, and beyond. Plus, we'll shed light on the consequences of cruising past the limit, ensuring a delightful and violation-free adventure.

# 2
Driving in Slovenia: Understanding Speed Limits
Road sign "30 km/h" in Slovenia

When driving abroad, it's crucial to adhere to the local regulations, including speed limits. This holds true in Slovenia, where speed limits are strictly enforced, and fines are issued for violations.

What are the Speed Limits in Slovenia?

Yes, Slovenia has specific speed limits. On motorways, the speed limit is typically set at 130 km/h. Different types of roads have varying limits, so it's important to pay attention to posted signs.

Consequences for Speeding

Travelers and motorists should be aware that non-compliance with speed limits can result in fines. Slovenia has a detailed catalogue of fines for speeding, ensuring that drivers adhere to the regulations for their safety and that of others.

Find out more about the speed limits and fines in Slovenia by reading the full article.

# 3
Cruising Through Slovenia: A Guide to Speed Limits
Low speed in traffic jams

Slovenia's charming towns and scenic landscapes are best explored by car, but navigating speed limits can be tricky. Here's a breakdown to keep your journey smooth and safe:

Within Towns:
  • Most roads within towns have a leisurely pace of 50 km_h, ensuring a relaxed atmosphere for drivers and pedestrians alike.
  • Keep an eye out for posted speed limits, as they might differ on certain roads.

Outside Towns:
  • Open roads beckon you to explore with a speed limit of 90 km/h for motorcycles, passenger cars, motorhomes under 3.5 tons, and even those with sidecars.
  • Vehicles exceeding 3.5 tons need to maintain a more cautious pace of 80 km_h.

Expressway Efficiency:
  • Slovenian expressways offer a higher cruising speed of 110 km/h for cars and motorhomes under 3.5 tons without trailers.
  • Towing a trailer? The speed limit dips to 100 km/h for a safe and controlled ride.
  • Larger vehicles over 3.5 tons should stay at 80 km/h to ensure everyone's safety on the expressway.

Remember: Always be vigilant and adjust your speed based on weather conditions and traffic flow. Enjoy your Slovenian adventure!

# 4
Maximum Speed Limits on Slovenian Motorways
Radar speed control camera on the road

In Slovenia, the maximum speed on motorways is 130 km/h for cars and motorcycles weighing less than 3.5 tons. Vehicles with trailers are limited to a maximum speed of 100 km/h. For vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons, the speed limit is 80 km/h.

Night Driving in Slovenia

The speed limits in Slovenia remain the same at night as they are during the day. However, it is mandatory to keep your headlights on at all times, regardless of the time of day. Failing to comply with this rule can result in a substantial fine.

Speeding Fines in Slovenia

Speeding fines in Slovenia vary based on how much you exceed the speed limit:

  • Minor violations can result in fines ranging from 50 to 250 Euros.
  • Serious violations, such as excessive speeding, can result in fines between 500Euros and 1500Euros.

For instance, if you are driving 20 km/h over the speed limit, you will face an 80 Euro fine. Driving 50 km/h or more over the limit will incur a minimum fine of 500Euros. In severe cases, your driver's license may be confiscated for up to three months, and additional costs such as court or processing fees may apply.

Use of Speed Cameras in Slovenia

Slovenia employs speed cameras and mobile speed measurements to enforce speed limits. There are numerous permanently installed radars throughout the country, particularly at borders and old toll booths. Due to an EU agreement, you can be fined for speeding offences even after returning to your home country if the fine is 70 Euros or more.

Let safety reign supreme. Immerse yourself in Slovenia's splendor, all while honoring the speed limits. Here's to joyous journeys ahead!

# 5
Important Considerations for Driving in Slovenia
Closeup of a manual gear level shift
  • Essential Documents: Always carry a valid driver's license, proof of insurance, and your vehicle registration document.
  • Parking Violations: Be mindful of where you park your car in Slovenia. Parking violations carry a minimum fine of 40 Euros.
  • Running a Red Light: Stop when the traffic light turns yellow to avoid a fine of approximately 300 Euros.
  • Mobile Phone Use: Never use your mobile phone while driving. Violations can result in a fine of 120 Euros.
  • Winter Tires: From November 15 to March 15, vehicles must be equipped with winter tires. All-season tires are permitted if they have a minimum tread depth of 3 millimeters.
# 6
FAQ on Speed Limits in Slovenia
FAQ banner for digital vignette Slovenia What are the general speed limits in Slovenia?
  • Urban areas (built-up areas): 50 km/h (31 mph)
  • Rural roads: 90 km/h (56 mph)
  • Expressways (dual carriageways): 110 km/h (68 mph)
  • Motorways: 130 km/h (81 mph) for cars and motorcycles without trailers under 3.5 tons.

Are there any exceptions to these limits?
  • Yes, there can be lower speed limits in certain zones. These will be indicated by traffic signs.
  • Lower limits might apply in school zones, construction areas, or areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

What about vehicles with trailers?
  • Vehicles with trailers have lower speed limits on motorways (100 km/h) and other roads.

How are speed limits enforced in Slovenia?
  • Slovenia uses fixed and mobile speed cameras to enforce speed limits.

Are there any additional tips for driving in Slovenia?
  • Be aware of posted speed limits, as they can change frequently.
  • Use your daytime running lights at all times.
  • Be mindful of the alcohol limit (50mg per 100ml of blood).

Where can I find more information?
Remember, safety is paramount. Enjoy the beauty of Slovenia while adhering to the speed limits. Happy travels!