Posted at: 17.05.2024
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Prohibition on Truck Traffic in Slovenia
Truck driving in Slovenian roads: A Smooth Ride with the Right Info

Planning a trip through Slovenia with a large truck? This guide equips you with all the essential details on driving restrictions to ensure a hassle-free journey.

Zone of restriction:

1. Tunnel Karavanke – Ljubljana

  • A2 Tunnel Karavanke – Kranj – Ljubljana (Kozarje junction)

2. Kranjska Gora – Nova Gorica
  • R1-206 Kranjska Gora – Vrsic – Trenta – Bovec
  • R1-203 Area – Bovec – Kobarid
  • G2-102 Robic (Italian border) – Kobarid – Perseti

3. Korensko Sedlo – Podkoren – Lesce – Podtabor
  • R1-201 Korensko Sedlo (Austrian border) – Podkoren – Mojstrana – Hrusica
  • R3-637 Hrusica – Javnornik – Zirovnica – Vrba
  • G1-8 Vrba – Lesce – Crnivec
  • H1 Crnivec - Lesnica

4. Subcamp – Ljubljana
  • R2-411 Subcamp – Naklo
  • R2-412 Naklo (Kranj west) – Kranj – Kranj (Labore)
  • R1-211 Kranj (Labore) – Jeprca – Ljubljana (Sentvid)
  • G1-8 Ljubljana (Sentvid) – Ljubljana (ring)

5. Ljubljana - Visna Gora - Bic - Pluska
  • A2 Ljubljana (Malence) – Visna Gora – Bic – Pluska

6. Ljubljana – Circumcision
  • G2-106 Ljubljana (Rudnik) – Skofljica – Smarje Sap
  • H1 Pluska – Trebnje – Karteljevo
  • A2 Novo Mesto (Hrastje) – Smednik – Krska Vas – Obrezje (Border with Croatia)

7. Sentilj – Trojane – Ljubljana (motorway)
  • A1 Border crossing Sentilj – Pesnica
  • H2 Pesnica – Maribor (Tezno)
  • A1 Maribor (Ptujska Cesta) – Slivnica – Celje – Arja Vas – Vrasnko-Trojane
  • Blagovica – Ljubljana (zadobrova)

8. Sentilj – Poet
  • R2-437 Border crossing Sentilj – Pesnica

9. Maribor – Ljubljana
  • R2-430 Maribor – Slivnica – Sl. Bistrica - Sl. Konjice - Celje
  • R2-447 Medlog – Zalec – Sempeter – Locica – Trojane – Blagovica – Trzin
  • G2-104 Trzin – Ljubljana (Crnuce) – Ljubljana (Tomacevo)

10. Ljubljana ring
  • H3 Ljubljana (Zadobrova) – Ljubljana (Tomacevo) – Ljubljana (Koseze)
  • A1 Ljubljana (Zadobrova) – Ljubljana (Malence) – Ljubljana (Kozarje)
  • A2 Ljubljana (Koseze) – Ljubljana (Kozarje)

11. Ljubljana – Klanec (Motorway)
  • A1 Ljubljana (Kozarje) – Razdrto – Divaca – Kozina – Klanec – Srmin

12. Ljubljana – Kozina – Klanec – Srmin
  • R2-409 Ljubljana (Vic) – Vrhnika – Logatec
  • G2-102 Logatec - Kalce
  • R2-409 Kalce – Postojna – Razrto – Kozina - Klanec
  • R1-208 Black Kal – Avg
  • R2-409 Aver - Rizana – Srmin

13. Skofie – Secovlje
  • H5 Skofija – Koper
  • R2-406 Dioceses - Deans
  • R3-741 Deans – Port of Koper
  • G2-111 Koper – Secovlje (Croatian border)

14. Dill - Tarragon
  • G1-11 Koper – Smarje – Dragonja (Croatian border)

15. Senozece – Fernetice
  • R2-445 Sezana – Fernetici (Italian border)

16. Sezana - Stanjel
  • R1-204 Sezana - Dutovlje – Stanjel

17. Stanjel – Sempeter
  • R3-614 Stanjel - Komen - Kostanjevica na Kars - Opatje Selo - Miren - Sempeter

18. Sezana – Divaca
  • R2-446 Sezana – Divaca

19. Vipava – Whirling
  • H4 Podnanos – Vipava – Ajdovscina – Selo – Nova Gorica – Border crossing Vrtojba

20. Shattered - Rozna Dolina
  • G1-12 Crushed - Subcoat
  • R2-444 Razdrto - Vipava – Ajdovscina (bypass) – Selo – Nova Gorica – Rozna Dolina

21. Postojna – Jelsane
  • G1-6 Postojna – Ilirska Bistrica – Jelsane (Croatian border)

22. Starod – Krvavi Potok
  • G1-7 Starod (Croatian border) – Kozina – Krvavi Potok (Italian border)

23. Skofljica – Petrina (Brod na Kolpa)
  • G2-106 Skofljica – Ribnica – Kocevje – Petrina (Croatian border)

24. Karteljevo/Mackovec - Novo Mesto - Metlika
  • G2-105 Karteljevo - Novo Mesto - Metlika (Croatian border)
  • G2-105 Mackovec - Novo Mesto

25. Celje – Dobovec
  • G2-107 Celje (East) – Sentjur pri Celje – Smarje pri Jelsah – Dobovec (Croatian border)

26. Slovenska Bistrica – Ormoz – Sredisce ob Drava
  • G1-2 Slovenska – Hajdina – Ptuj – Ormoz (bypass) – Sredisce ob Drava (Croatian border)

27. Spuhlja – Zavrc
  • R1-228 Spuhlja – Zavrc (Croatian border)

28. Hajdina (Ptuj) – Gruskovje
  • G1-9 Hajdina – Gruskovje (Croatian border)

29. Pesnica - Lendava – Pince junction with Dolga Vas (Motorway and expressway)
  • A1 Poet – Dragucova
  • A5 Dragucova – Lenart – Murska Sobota – Lendava – Pince
  • H7 Lendava – Dolga vas (Border with Hungary)

30. Poem – Long village
  • G1-3 Pesnica – Lenart – Radenci – Vucja Vas and LipovciLendava
  • R1-235 Radenci – Junction Murska Sobota

# 2
General Rules:
Stop sign on barricade
  • Sundays & Holidays: Trucks exceeding 7.5 tons face bans on specific routes. Popular routes like G1-6 (Jelšane - Postojna) and G1-7 (Starod - Kozina) are restricted between 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM in both directions.
  • Summer Weekends: Additional restrictions apply from late June to early September. On Saturdays, trucks over 7.5 tons face bans on certain sections between 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

  • Motorways: The A1, A2, A4, and A5 motorways offer unrestricted access for trucks throughout the week.
  • Exceptions:Specific routes have varying rules.
  • Stricter bans exist on Ljubljana - Koper - Croatian border and Postojna - Rijeka routes:
    • Saturdays: No travel between 6:00 AM and 4:00 PM
    • Non-working days: No travel between 8:00 AM and midnight
  • Important Note: Exceptions exist for Italy-Croatia traffic.Trucks from Italy delivering goods to Slovenia and those traveling to/from Croatia are allowed on Sundays.
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Unforeseen Circumstances:
A truck is driving on an asphalt road

In adverse weather conditions (strong winds), temporary bans might be implemented. These are announced via traffic signs or media broadcasts.

Additional Tips:
  • Tolls: Slovenia uses a vignette system for motorways and expressways. Ensure you have the appropriate one for your vehicle.
  • Speed Limits: Speed limits in Slovenia may differ from your home country. Be sure to check and adhere to them.

By following these guidelines and staying updated on temporary restrictions, you can navigate Slovenia's roads efficiently with your truck.